Regenerative solutions for people and planet

Matteo is a researcher at the Urban Studio (Högskolan i Gävle). He has a PhD in Sustainability Science from the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Over the past 10 years, he has studied how to cities and towns that allow people to value nature enough to protect it.
What is a regenerative relationship with nature? How do people connect to nature and what kind of experiences they need to do so? And importantly, how can the everyday habitat include connecting nature experiences, while promoting social wellbeing and ecological health? These are some of the questions driving Matteo’s research, writing, and public speaking. He aims to promote sustainable civilizations by unifying human and natural habitats.
He combines psychology, spatial design, sustainability science, and systems thinking to find ways to develop sustainable civilizations. He collaborates with educational organisations, architecture firms, and urban planning offices to implement his research in practice. He is a Salzburg Global Fellow, member of the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, and board member of the association Miljöverkstan.