How do you like Stockholm in your day to day life?
My everyday places are different from your everyday places. And their are different from your neighbours everyday places. But there is something in common that make some places good and some bad.
"Where is your Stockholm?" ("Var är ditt Stockholm?") is an online survey that has focused on discovering what and where are positive and negative routines of Stockholmers. We have analysed thousands of experiences. People in Stockholm tend to dislike some specific places, but positive experiences are scattered throughout the landscape. But they still have something in common. There is nature around.
The presence of nature, the absence of busy roads, and a diversity of urban functions and services have proven to be important factors for positive experiences in Stockholm. Importantly, we are now investigating what is the relationship between healthy urban ecosystems and healthy human populations. From the initial results, it seems that nature might be more than just a 'green' area if we want to promote healthy living in cities. More on this will come.
In the news:
(In Swedish) "Stockholms kärna byggs om – till ödslig kontorsmiljö"